Monday, August 29, 2011

How Adults and Teens Differ in View When it Comes to Plastic Surgery

It cannot be denied that plastic surgery in Singapore is here to stay. The numbers of the people who go and see an aesthetic Surgeon in Singapore rise everyday and this is not surprising considering how good and well trained the aesthetic surgeon of this country are. What is surprising though is the equal rise of the numbers of the adults as well as the teenagers who choose to go through this kind of cosmetic surgery.

We are not going to talk about the other aspect of plastic surgery which is the reconstructive surgery where the reason of having an operation is not about beautifying oneself at all. Reconstructive surgery is done to a person who has undergone a traumatic experience and needs to have a part of his body reconstructed or repaired so that he can regain its normal function and look as normal as possible. We will just focus on aesthetic surgery where the primary reason of of having one is to improve their looks or a certain part of their body where they are unhappy with.

Survey shows that a teenager would choose to have cosmetic surgery because she wants to be as "normal" looking as possible. A teen's primary motivation would be to look like everybody else so that she would "belong". A grown woman on the other hand would want to have a plastic surgery because she wants to be "different". As an adult she wants to shine and look better than the rest. Whatever the reason may be the fact remains that more and more people will choose to see an aesthetic surgeon at one point in their life.

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